发布时间: 2023年10月16日 15:06

Wuwei Wang | 王无为

Associate Professor | 副教授

Research Center for Rural Development and Reform | 农村发展与改革研究中心

Institute of Western China Economic Research | 中国西部经济研究院

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics | 西南财经大学

Office: 1017 Gezhi Building, Liulin campus | 柳林校区格致楼1017

Email: wangwuwei at swufe.edu.cn


Ph.D in Economics (2018), State University of New York at Albany (SUNY)

Bachelor of Economics (2010), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China.

For more info, welcome to my personal website www.wuweiwang.com