发布时间: 2023年10月16日 15:00





09/2004-09/2010 博士   加拿大阿尔伯特大学  农业和资源经济学  

09/2001-06/2004 硕士   南京农业大学  国际贸易

09/1997-06/2001 学士   南京农业大学  国际贸易




09/2011--至今  教授/博导  西南财经大学  


1. 蒋玉、于海龙、丁玉莲、莫睿,2021,电子商务对绿色农产品消费溢价的影响分析—基于产品展示机制和声誉激励机制,《中国农村经济》,2021年第10期:44-63.

2. Sun, Y., D. Dong, and Y. Ding. 2021. The impact of dietary knowledge on health: Evidence from the China and Nutrition Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3736. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18073736

3. Cai, Q., Y. Ding, C., Tuvey, and Y., Zhang. 2021. The influence of past experience on farmers’ preferences for hog insurance products: a natural experiment and choice experiment in China. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice. 46, 399-421. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41288-021-00209-7

4. Ding, Y., and M. Veeman. 2019. Chinese consumers’ preferences for quality signals on fresh milk: Brand versus certification. Agribusiness: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agr.21604

5. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2015. Functional Food Choices: Impacts of Trust and Health Control Beliefs on Canadian Consumers’ Choices of Canola oil. Food Policy, 52: 92-98 (SSCI/SCI).

6. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2013. The Influence of Trust on Consumer Behavior: An Application to Recurring Food Risks in Canada. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 92: 214-223(SSCI/SCI).

7. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2012. The Impact of Generalized Trust and Trust in the Food System on Choices of a Functional GM Food. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 28(1): 54-66(SCI).

8. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2012. The Influence of Attribute Cutoffs on Consumers’ Choices of a Functional Food. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39(5): 745-769(SSCI/SCI).

9. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2011. Habit, BSE and the Dynamics of Beef Consumption. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59: 337-359(SSCI/SCI).

10. Hu, W., F. Zhong, and Y. Ding. 2006. Actual Media Reports on GM Foods and Chinese Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for GM Soybean Oil. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 31(2): 376-391(SSCI/SCI).

11. 钟甫宁,丁玉莲2004. 消费者对转基因食品的认知情况及潜在态度初探—南京市消费者的个案调查,中国农村观察,2004年第1期:13-22.

12. Zhong, F., M. A. Marchant, Y. Ding, and K. Lu. 2002. GM Foods: A Nanjing Case Study of Chinese Consumers’ Awareness and Potential Attitudes. AgBioForum, 5(4): 136-144.


1. 项目主持人,教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目:《食品公共政策与健康食品消费:基于含糖饮料消费的实证研究》,2021-2024.

2. 项目主持人,国家自然科学基金青年项目: 《基于信任和食品安全信息揭示的消费者行为研究》,2014-2016

3. 项目参与者,国家自然科学基金面上项目:《食品安全信任危机下信息揭示对企业行为的激励机制研究—基于社会监督与社会惩罚的视角》,2014-2016


《管理经济学》/  本科生全英文课

《商业研究方法》/ 本科生双语课

《现代产业组织》/ 硕士生双语课

《规制经济学》/ 硕士生双语课

《反垄断经济学》/ 硕士生双语课

《离散选择模型及其应用》/ 博士生双语课